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Opening 7 July 2018, 2-4 pm

The July 2018 Side Show features two of  William Forrestall’s  unique kinetic sculptures developed within the format of working peddle cars.

Forrestall has developed his own unique approach to exploring kinetic aesthetics and intuitive structures developed from recycled materials. His cars are made from recycled and reused materials including off-cuts, recycled bicycle parts, old chairs, construction materials and anything else that can be put to use.

From the work of Los Angles based Chris Burden’s creation of his B car, Don Potts purely aesthetic yet functional vehicles to the 2007 Sobeys Award winner Michel de Broin’s transformation of a standard car to a human powered vehicle, the art world offers many examples of artists exploring the potential of functional vehicles as an art form.

William Forrestall will be giving a kinetic car summer art camp for ages 8 – 88 at the River Art Centre Studios to encourage a wider community involvement and exploration of the vehicle motif. Please call the Gallery to register for the class which runs August 7 – 10, 2018. Spaces are limited.


July 7, 2018 @ 10:30 am
August 4, 2018 @ 5:00 pm
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