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Sea Level

“By constant observation, I strive to understand the Ocean’s mysterious magnetism. Water embodies the concept of endlessness, of complexities repeated from one drop to the vast sea, so powerful yet so very fragile.  Those fleeting traits impress only on memory. I paint the Ocean as the mind understands it – not a precise recording, nor the rendering of an impressionist’s flourish, but something between the two. My work is built around those singular details, focusing on creating movement and luminosity. My depictions are purely of water, without land, sky or scale, one is lost, consumed, ensnared. The paintings capture a slice of time that the ocean will never again replicate. I notice these moments through visceral reflex. These are the elements that move me and compel me to depict the Ocean. I paint the sea itself, caught in its persistent motion, a meditative reflection on this ancient body, at times so violent and other times so serenely beautiful, that has birthed legend, tragedy, life.”
Jaye Ouellette

Since moving from Toronto to Nova Scotia, Jaye Ouellette’s work has continued to receive serious acclaim. Most notably Ouellette’s work was selected for the ground breaking exhibition ‘Terroir: A Nova Scotia Survey’ at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.

Her work has been exhibited in Canada, the US and France.


August 1, 2020
August 29, 2020
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