Tickets are now available for the 16th Annual Guess Who!
Saturday, 25 May, 2024
The evening starts with a 6:00 o’clock reception at The Andrew & Laura McCain Art Gallery 8 McCain Street, Florenceville-Bristol, NB E7L 3H6
Tickets are $100.00 per person
For more information or to purchase tickets call the Gallery at 506-392-6769

Where will I be dining … and with who?
You find out at 7 o”clock that evening, when guests receive the top secret envelopes with maps to their destinations! A delicious dinner party follows, hosted by community members who have opened their homes and prepared fantastic meals.
The thrill of the unknown is exhilarating but one thing is certain – where ever you go, you’ll be met with great food and fine company!
Please inform your ticket seller and the Gallery of allergies or major diet restrictions.