Past Projects Funded by the Carleton North Community Foundation

In 2019 the CNCF provided a $5000 start-up grant to the pARTicipate Arts & Nature Festival, providing the seed funds to offer the first of what will become an annual festival for the arts in Florenceville-Bristol. pARTicipate is a joint project between the Andrew & Laura McCain Art Gallery, Second Wind Music Centre and the Town of Florenceville-Bristol.

In 2019 the CNCF awarded the Gallery two grants, $5600 for winter and spring and $2500 for the fall for Arts Education programming in our community and local schools. With these funds the Gallery has hosted school visits, offered Art Clubs in all our local elementary and middle schools, supported our local visual artist-instructors as well as running art classes for the schools at the River Art Centre. As well adult community classes have been subsidised so that minimum enrollment can be kept to a minimum.

In 2018 with the Carleton North Community Foundation’s generous financial assistance of $7,705.00, the Gallery achieved our 2018 goals for the River Art Centre. June 2018 saw the completion of the transformation of the downstairs studio into a versatile and functional studio space that easily transforms according to need from an art classroom to a professional printshop. ALMAG used the funds to purchase tools, supplies and equipment for the studio. Equipment was also purchased for the studio to be able to safely teach wood carving.

In 2018 the CNCF supported Print Making Workshops and Summer Art Education Programming with a grant of $4,300.00. Through the CNCF’s generosity the Gallery offered art education for children, youth and adults. Opportunities for the community and professional artists alike to engage with the new Printshop at the RAC during the summer of 2018 were made possible through the hiring of a 3rd year Print making student to animate the studio and offering a series of workshops, art classes and community events during the summer.a

In 2017, the Gallery was granted $20,000 to fund our Art in Schools Program that supports all Carleton North Feeder Schools. With these funds we were able to offer: In-Class visits  that support teachers by leading art lessons based on curriculum outcomes or specific mediums; Art Afternoons, where local artists are invited to lead art lessons and the entire school participates all at once; 6 week Afterschool Art Clubs  in partnership with a local artist; and our annual Student Showcase Exhibition of Bath K-8 students and Carleton North High School students’ art in the Gallery. On behalf of the Gallery Board and Staff, we extend our thanks to the CNCF for their support. More information about the Foundation can be found at

The Carleton North Community Foundation was launched in 2008 with a $2-million donation from The McCain Foundation as part of the celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of McCain Foods.  The Foundation supports a variety of eligible organizations under categories such as Arts & Culture, Education, Beautification, Economic Development, Recreation, Health & Wellness, and Environment.  For more information visit the website at

Carleton North Community Foundation