Our Sponsors
Carleton North Community Foundation
The Carleton North Community Foundation has generously and consistently supported art education for all ages as well as other initiatives at the Gallery.
In 2022, the CNCF provided the Gallery and the River Art Centre funding for an Art Teacher mentor for the summer students and summer camps for children. 2021, the CNCF provided the Gallery and the River Art Centre with $2190 to support pARTicipate workshops and $11,000 to support the Community Programming. This includes adult, youth and children programming delivered at the Gallery and at the River Art Centre.
The Town of Florenceville-Bristol
The Town of Florenceville-Bristol is an essential partner of the Andrew & Laura McCain Art Gallery, supporting the Gallery operations in substantial and essential ways. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Executive Director the Gallery community thanks the Town, Mayor Carl Curtis and the town Councillors for their unwavering support for the visual arts and artists in our community. We look forward to another successful year at the Gallery and the River Art Centre despite the new realities we are all learning to live with.
The Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation
The Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation is a significant and important supporter of the arts in New Brunswick and has been instrumental in Carleton County through its support in the development of the River Art Centre Studios at the Andrew & Laura McCain Art Gallery.
In 2022, the Foundation supported the Art in the Classroom project which brings artwork by local artists into classrooms along with a curriculum package for the teachers.
In 2019, the Andrew & Laura McCain Art Gallery held a Critical Writing Workshop with six emerging , mid-career and well established New Brunswick artist-writers.
The Government of New Brunswick
The Government of NB’s Department of Tourism, Heritage & Culture continues to be a significant supporter and resource for the development of creative initiatives in support of the arts for our region.
The Board of Directors is grateful for the support of the New Brunswick Government. Having received a number of grants in 2019 we are only too aware that each grant made a significant difference to the success of our programs, to the operations of the Gallery and support the River Arts Centre, and through us, the Visual Arts and artists in our region.
Harrison McCain Foundation
The Harrison McCain Foundation generously supports the Andrew & Laura McCain Art Gallery every year.
McCain Foundation
In 2019 the McCain Foundation awarded the pARTicipate festival a $10,000 operating grant for the inaugural 2019 festival and pledged their continuing support over the next two years.